Just Be

Patrya Pratama 30 Juli 2011
I am well aware that our time as Pengajar Muda is limited to a year, or two if you want to make it that way, but there are times when I feel like I am being too hard to my self. I want to forget all the plans I’ve made to push some progress here and there. I just want to enjoy the moment, soak the atmosphere without worrying what should be done tommorow. I want to swim free with my child without worrying how they will do in this semester exams, I want to go to school without worrying when my teacher-mates will ever be on time at school. I want to teach and be in front of my class without worrying if my kids will spend their evening playing cards and gamble, I want to go to the mosque without worrying what future beholds the mosque when the jama’ahs are only 2 people. I really want to say, well.. Just let it be. I could be that “person underneath the blanket” –as Pak Sjahid famously said-.

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