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Letter of Discreet

FidellaAnandhita Savitri 5 Desember 2015

Dear my beloved pupils,

Sorry I might not be your smartest teacher. Or the funniest. Or the most creative. Or one with smile-like-an-angel. I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. Sometimes I mad at you, yell at you, punish you, or be very strict to you.

But when you do something awesome, I won't hesitate to praise your talent and achievement, appreciate your hard work, your good attitude, or your changing behavior. Every little thing counts.

One thing you all should know, my dear kiddos. School is never about scores. It teaches you more than that. Success lies in the process. It's not about being the best, but doing your best.

Learn art. Sport. Science. History. Language. Anything. Learn from anyone, anywhere, at any time. But more importantly, learn life. Learn courtesy. Learn to share, to care.

The world is not only yours. Help those in need. Be kind. Be sincere. Do good deed. Life is such a mess I know. But believe me, there's always hope. We're never lack of good people who try to make our earth a better place. Be one of them.

Dear kiddos, when someday you become a leader, be a humble one. Have big heart to receive either compliment or critic. Be modest. Be honest. Be good influence to your surroundings. Always remember 3 magic words: sorry, please, and thank you.

You might not get it now, but as you grow older and wiser, you'll understand better. So, don't be all confused. Just explore. Sail your boat. Be curious. It's okay to make mistakes, because there's always room for improvement.

Last but not least, be yourself and live life to the fullest!

Much love,

Your soon-to-go-home teacher

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