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When The Going Gets Tough...

Patrya Pratama 19 November 2010
Hi again world! I know I could have written new entries of this blog several days a go, but i was just too busy experiencing that i found reflecting this breathtaking journey needed to be postponed a bit. So here I am, living at Day 5 of my Indonesia Mengajar program at a Desa called Labuang Kalo, Tanjung Harapan residence, Pasir District, and most importantly –if you’re need help in Geography- East Borneo. In this post, i’d like to recall and reflect a bit of what had happened. Remember when Steve Jobs said that life can only be understood backwards when we connect the dots, the points in life that leads to another? This was, in a way, exactly what happened. I remember when founder Anies Baswedan strangely said to me during the goodbye handshake, “so, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going?”. I awkwardly replied –as if his word was not strong enough- “no sir, it’s the rough gets going”. It was strange because i’d been listening –and thinking- to that Boyzone’s “When The Going Gets Tough”, even talked about it to my close-friend about it. So it is really that “the going gets rough” which followed for the next few days here in Labuangkalo as my next entries would hopefully elaborate.

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